Advocates For You In Family, Medical and Parenting Leave Cases
State and federal laws cover more than just taking maternity leave. Employees are legally entitled to take time off to care for sick or disabled family members, or to care for themselves if they are pregnant, to care for a new child or if they suffer a serious medical condition.
If you are having trouble getting a needed family or medical leave or feel your employer violated state or federal law, we can help you. As experienced litigators, the lawyers at Culberth & Lienemann, LLP, in St. Paul, understand FMLA cases. We can explain the legal process to you and help you understand your legal options.
Medical and Parenting Leave
Life events can force an employee to take a leave of absence longer than allowed under their vacation guidelines. The FMLA can protect workers from facing discipline or loss of job.
The FMLA allows many workers to take up to 12 weeks of leave during a 12-month period. It also allows the employee to return to his or her original position or equivalent position when the 12-week period is over. If you qualify for leave under the FMLA, you may take leave when:
- There is an arrival of a new child in your family either by birth, foster care or adoption
- You need to take care of a family member suffering from a serious health condition
- You are personally suffering from serious injury, illness or other major health problem and need to take medical leave
You may also be protected under the state of Minnesota’s Parenting Leave Law for the birth or adoption of a child.
The attorneys at Culberth & Lienemann, LLP, understand the complexities of state and federal family and medical leave laws. We aggressively fight for our clients who need to take time away from work.
Tailoring Our Representation To Your Needs
We understand that problems you experience at work impact your entire life. For that reason, we make you part of the process when providing you representation. We listen to your concerns. Before taking action, we will discuss your legal options with you along with the best possible strategy for helping you achieve your goals.
To learn more, contact our law firm online or by calling 651-290-9300. While located in Ramsey County, we provide representation across all of Minnesota.