Fighting Workplace Harassment
Harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment, is widespread in the United States and throughout Minnesota. #MeToo. At Culberth & Lienemann, LLP, we believe that #TimesUp on sexual harassment.
The lawyers of Culberth & Lienemann, LLP, in St. Paul, understand the toll workplace harassment takes on Minnesota workers. They also understand what legal steps to take when unwanted sexual harassment and other harassing behavior occurs.
What Is Workplace Harassment?
Workplace harassment takes many forms, and each workplace is unique. Sometimes employers do not take timely and appropriate action to stop harassment, which places the victim of harassment in a tough spot.
Workplace harassment can be verbal or sexual conduct, or it can be hostile or mean conduct that is based on sex, race, sexual orientation or other characteristics. Harassment can include:
- Offering employment perks in return for sexual favors
- Creating a hostile workplace where unwanted or offensive comments or conduct is a normal part of the workday
- Unwanted physical touching
- Penalizing workers for objecting to such behavior
- Facing retaliation by your employer for reporting workplace harassment
- Employers not implementing policies that will prevent workplace harassment and sexual harassment from taking place
- Employers tolerating harassing behavior by subordinates
If you are facing workplace harassment, the attorneys at our law firm can help you. Our firm provides a trustworthy atmosphere where you can safely discuss your circumstances. We can suggest to you a number of legal options and guide you through the legal process. Our attorneys are experienced litigators and can try your case in court or through some alternative dispute resolution method.
Let Us Help You
To meet with us and set up a consultation with a knowledgeable employment attorney, contact Culberth & Lienemann, LLP, by calling 651-290-9300. You can also send us an email.
The award-winning attorneys at our firm provide representation across all of Minnesota.